On November 14, 1988, by God's grace, Bible Time Ministries, Inc. was organized and chartered as a non-profit organization in the state of Florida. Bro. Bill Graham and his wife, Mary, co-founders and the three other board members were assisted by Attorney Patrick Floyd in establishing and obtaining the charter. Bible Time Ministries was begun with a burden to reach the boys and girls of Bay County for Christ through Bible lessons on the telephone and Bible Correspondence lessons.
In March 1989 the Grahams moved to the Panama City, Florida area and began in this ministry. The work later extended into Gulf County as well. As children began to call to hear the Bible lessons and request the correspondence lessons, the adults did so as well. The Lord touched many hearts in this way. For four years the Lord provided a booth in the Bay County Fair, and hundreds of people signed up for free Bible lessons. Some of these are still active Bible students.
The ministry has been very blessed to have faithful volunteer co-workers who help in the ministry. Some help in the office, bookwork, editing and typing lessons, etc. and others help in the follow-up ministry by making calls from their homes, sending out postcards, etc.
The Lord burdened two pastors to introduce the Grahams and the work of Bible Time Ministries to a prison chaplain in Blountstown, Florida. From this contact, the ministry has a strong outreach in many prisons in the United States.
In 1996, the Lord led the Grahams to move to the Pensacola, Florida area and to continue to expand the ministry.
On June 9, 2002 at the age of 79, the Lord took Bro. Bill Graham home to heaven. In a letter to the Bible Time Ministries students, Mary quoted Psalm 116:15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." She also noted that God has been gracious to them as a couple, giving them almost 36 years together, and building his ministry through them to almost 500 active Bible students today.
The ministry continues, and prospers, in memory of Bro. Bill and to the glory of our Lord.
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